Networked Multi-Projection(NMPJ) Version1.3.4.2



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    • Windows 10 (x64)
    • Windows 10
    • Windows 8.1 (x64)
    • Windows 8.1
    • Windows 8 (x64)
    • Windows 8
    • Windows 7 (x64)
    • Windows 7
    • Windows Vista


    NMPJ Version1.3.4.2 is software that will install NMPJ on your computer or update a previously installed version of NMPJ to NMPJ Version1.3.4.2.

    Update Riwayat

    Changes in NMPJ Version.
    - Adds an automatic update function.
    - Enables users to search for projectors and sessions by the host name.
    - Enables users to save the projector search history.
    - Reduces the CPU load.
    *The frame rate may be lower compared with the previous version.

    Changes in NMPJ Version1.2.0.3
    - The malfunction in which screen projection was not possible for the combination of NMPJ and WUX400ST/WUX450/WX520/WX450ST connected outside the subnet has been fixed.

    Persyaratan Sistem

    To use this software, your computer has to meet the following system requirements.

    1.Compatible OS
    Windows Vista (Business) SP2
    Windows 7 (Home/Professional/Ultimate) SP1
    Windows 8 (Pro)
    Windows 8.1 (Pro)
    Windows 10 (Pro)
    * Windows Vista compatibility is limited to 32-bit editions.
    * Both 32- and 64-bit editions of Windows 7 and later are supported.
    * Operation is not ensured in other operating systems or editions.
    * Menus are in English in all cases, except in Japanese and Simplified Chinese versions of the software.
    * Operation is not ensured in operating systems other than English, Japanese, or Simplified Chinese OSes.
    * If you are using an Aero style in Windows, this message may be displayed: "Do you want to change the color scheme to improve performance?"
    In this case, selecting "Keep the current color scheme, and don't show this message again" is recommended.

    Core 2 Duo P8600, 2.4 GHz or higher (32- or 64-bit)

    1 GB or more

    32 GB or more

    Resolution: 1024x768 dots or more
    Cannot be installed on computers without a minimum resolution of 1024x768. Additionally, operation is not ensured if the resolution is switched to less than 1024x768 after installation.

    In TCP/IP network environments, projectors can be connected to computers via the following LAN connections.
    Wired LAN (1000BASE-T, 100BASE-TX)
    Wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11b/g/n)
    * Although the software also supports computer-projector communication over a router, operation is only ensured over one router hop.
    * When using wireless direct connection, configure the computer to obtain a wireless IP address automatically (DHCP enabled). Note that it is not possible to use wireless direct connection with a projector that is not equipped with wireless LAN functionality.

    Instruksi Pengaturan

    Please follow the procedures below to download and install the software. When installing it, quit other application software.

    1. Download the zipped file from Canon's Website.
    2. Extract the downloaded file.
    3. Start " NMPJInstaller-01-03-0402-20160512.exe " in the < PJ-NMPJ-V1342> folder.
    4. Follow the instructions on the screen to perform the installation.

    Informasi File

    1. Nama File :
    2. Versi File :
    3. Tipe File : zip
    4. Ukuran File 34118KB


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