Paper does not feed (printing via USB connection)


    Category : Printer does not respond, or operate
    Description : Paper does not feed (printing via USB connection)
    How to install the printer driver using the prepackaged CD (Mac OS X)
    Note: Before performing the following, make sure that the cable is connected and the printer is powered ON.
    1. Set the prepackaged CD into the computer.
    2. Double-click the CD icon on the desktop, open the Mac OS X and Printer Driver folders, and double-click the Installer icon.
    3. When the Authenticate dialog box is displayed, enter the name and password, and click OK.
    Note: Enter the administrator's name and password.
    4. When the Install BJ printer driver dialog box is displayed, click Continue.
    5. Read the contents, and click Accept to agree and continue.
    Memo: Depending on the printer driver's type and version, Information Message may appear before the Software License Agreement dialog box appears. In this case, also, read the contents, and click Continue.
    6. To agree with the terms of the Software License Agreement, click Agree.
    7. When the destination disk is selected, click Continue.
    8. Click Install.
    9. The following message is displayed. Click Continue Installation to continue.
    10. The printer driver installation starts.
    11. When installation is completed, click Restart.
    12. After restarting, the dialog box below is displayed. To close the dialog box, click OK, and perform the Print Head Alignment.
    Note: For the Print Head Alignment, see How to perform Print Head Alignment.
    13. Printer driver installation using the prepackaged CD is completed.