imagePROGRAF PRO-500 series Printer Driver Ver.1.12 (Windows)



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    • imagePROGRAF PRO-500


    • Windows Server 2025
    • Windows Server 2022
    • Windows Server 2019 (x64)
    • Windows Server 2016 (x64)
    • Windows Server 2012 R2 (x64)
    • Windows Server 2012 (x64)
    • Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64)
    • Windows Server 2008 (x64)
    • Windows Server 2008


    (Standard) This is a printer driver that will provide full functionality for your selected model.A version of this standard driver will have been included on the CD provided with your original product.

    Update Riwayat

    - The problem that the maintenance function is not operated has been rectified.

    - The modules for supporting the language have been updated.

    - Windows Server 2022 has been added as a supported OS.
    - Add supported media.

    - Windows Server 2019 has been added as a supported OS.
    - The failure that may disable installation when PC detects the printer before driver is installed is modified. (Windows 10)

    - The failure that may cause installation failure is modified.
    - Name of the tray at rear side has been changed.

    - The failure that may cause print failure when printing multiple pages is modified.

    - Windows Server 2016 has been added as a supported OS.
    - Concerning printer paper size, the maximum height of [Paper Size] in [Custom Paper Size] is enlarged from [594mm/23.39inch] to [647.70mm/25.5inch].
    <Note>When you use the enlarged paper size, use the printer with firmware version 1.110 or later.

    - The error message for the ink tank has been corrected.

    Persyaratan Sistem

    Windows Server 2025
    Windows Server 2022
    Windows Server 2019(64bit)
    Windows Server 2016(64bit)
    Windows Server 2012 R2(64bit)
    Windows Server 2012(64bit)
    Windows Server 2008 R2(64bit)
    Windows Server 2008(32bit)
    Windows Server 2008(64bit)


    Make sure to update the firmware ver.3.010 or later when using this driver. Error may occur when printing without updating.

    Printer Driver:
    1.With Internet Explorer 11, a web site containing Japanese may not be printed properly. In Windows Update, update the OS and Internet Explorer to the latest version.

    Instruksi Pengaturan

    Download / Installation Procedures
    1. Download the file. For the location where the file is saved, check the computer settings.
    2. Double-click the downloaded EXE file to decompress it, then installation will start automatically.

    A message may be displayed during the installation depending on the OS you are using, but continue the installation.

    Informasi File

    1. Nama File : p68n-win-pro_500-1_12-ea22_5.exe
    2. Versi File : 1.12
    3. Ukuran File 22232KB


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