Digital Photo Professional 3.4.1 Updater for Mac OS X (Mac OS 10.3 - 10.5)



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    • Mac OS X

    Update Riwayat

    1. Changes for Digital Photo Professional 3.4
    1-1. Supports Mac OS X v10.5 (Leopard) and
    1-2. Adds the luminance noise reduction function for TIFF/JPEG images
    You can make this setting with the [Tool Palette] tab in [Preferences] and the [NR/LENS] tab from the tool palette.
    1-3. Adds a lens with the aberration correction function and supports the extender.
    Now supports sixteen more lenses. Newly supports the extender (EF1.4 X II and EF2 X II) to increase the variety in combinations.
    For supported cameras and lenses, please see the Help file (or the instruction manual).
    1-4. Fixes malfunctions
    Fixes a bug where RAW images shot with EOS Kiss X2/EOS DIGITAL REBEL XSi/EOS DIGITAL 450D are not displayed in accordance to the PictureStyle file settings.

    2. Changes for Digital Photo Professional 3.3
    2-1. Supports EOS Kiss X2/EOS DIGITAL REBEL XSi/EOS DIGITAL 450D
    2-2. Adds a collection screen
    You can now choose images saved in different locations and display them on the same screen.
    2-3. Improves adjustment functions
    - Extends the noise reduction adjustment range from 3-step (Off/Low/High) to 11-step (0 to 10).
    - Adds [Default noise reduction settings] to the [Tool Palette] tab in [Preferences].
    2-4. Adds [Display thumbnails at high quality] to the [General Settings] tab in [Preferences].
    2-5. Supports more cameras and lenses with the lens aberration correction function.
    Adds support to EOS Kiss X2/EOS DIGITAL REBEL XSi/EOS DIGITAL 450D and nine lenses.

    Persyaratan Sistem

    1. Supported OSes
    Mac OS X v10.3 to v10.5
    UFS (Unix File System) formatted disk not supported

    2. Supported PCs
    Macintoshes with an OS above pre-installed
    PowerPC G3 400 MHz or greater, PowerPC G4, G5 and Intel Processor
    (Native support for Intel processor based Macintosh.)
    RAM; 512MB or greater

    3. One of the following applications must be installed on your Macintosh.
    - Digital Photo Professional
    - EOS Viewer Utility
    - File Viewer Utility
    - RAW Image Task
    If the applications above are not installed in Mac OS X v10.5 environments, have the updater recognize the CD-ROM (EOS Digital Solution Disk v1 to v17.x or Digital Camera Solution Disk v2) that comes bundled with EOS DIGITAL cameras.


    If you use the Digital Photo Professional 3.4 remote capture function, it is also necessary to download the latest version of EOS Utility (2.4 or later). The updater for EOS Utility can be downloaded separately.

    Instruksi Pengaturan

    Make sure that at least one of the following applications is installed.
    - Digital Photo Professional
    - EOS Viewer Utility
    - File Viewer Utility
    - RAW Image Task

    If any of the above applications are not installed, prepare one of the following installation CD-ROMs.
    - EOS DIGITAL Solution Disk v1 to v17.x
    - DIGITAL CAMERA Solution Disk v2

    1. Download DPP341X.dmg from the download page.
    2. Double-click Update Installer in the DPP341X folder.
    Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

    Informasi File

    1. Nama File : dpp341x.dmg
    2. Versi File : 3.4.1
    3. Ukuran File 60462KB


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