Auto Tracking Application RA-AT001 Ver. 1.2.2



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    • macOS 14
    • macOS 13


    It is one of the "Add-On Applications System" that extend the camera function.
    This paid application enables the camera to automatically track the movement of the subject for efficient shooting.
    Tracking performance varies depending on the camera model.


    The Auto Tracking Application enables the camera to automatically recognize the object to be tracked and automatically pans, tilts and zooms according to the movement of the subject.
    -Auto zoom control is available so that the size of the person being tracked remains constant
    -Pan/tilt/zoom sensitivity can be adjusted to match the speed at which the tracking object moves
    -The target object can be tracked when he/she is facing backwards. (only applicable to the

    Version 1.2.2 incorporates the following enhancements:
    1. Improves tracking accuracy when a tracking target crosses or passes another person.
    2. Improves natural and smooth tracking action when starting and stopping during tracking.
    3. Enables the ability to change the settings of only one item in the Setting Wizard.
    4. Adds a button in the UI to select app settings. Up to five app settings can be saved and recalled.
    Also, increases setting items.
    5. Adds a button in the UI to return to the initial position.
    6. Adds function for setting Tracking Halting Area.
    7. Reduces tracking target loss.

    < Application File >

    <Applicable Models:>
    CR-N700 / CR-N500 / CR-N300 / CR-N100

    The application contains software modules developed by third parties. The details are available in the download: Readme-E.txt. The Third-party Software License (ThirdPartySoftware-E.txt) and the license conditions are available in the ThirdParty Folder which is inside the LICENSE folder.

    Update Riwayat

    ■Version 1.1.1
    Fixed a bug that could cause unintended pan/tilt behavior during auto tracking. (CR-N300/CR-N100)

    1. Adds support for the Auto Tracking Application to the CR-N500 / CR-N300.
    2. Adds support for use of the License Activation Tool.

    Persyaratan Sistem

    The application runs in the camera. For supported cameras, refer to "Applicable Models".
    When authenticate a paid license, use a PC with the following OS: macOS14/13


    Be sure to read the Readme and User's Guide of the software before using it.
    Notes and restrictions on use are included.

    Instruksi Pengaturan

    1. Download the file to any folder.
    2. Double-click the downloaded file and mount it on the Disk Image.
    3. For the rest of the instructions, check the Readme.

    Informasi File

    1. Nama File : raat001-v122-mac.dmg
    2. Versi File : 1.2.2
    3. Tipe File : dmg
    4. Ukuran File 286454KB


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