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Firmware Version 1.0.9 incorporates the following changes.
1. Optimizes the camera’s performance when using certain UDMA 7-compatible CF cards released in February 2012 or later.
2. Corrects wording in the Dutch language menu screen
Firmware Version 1.0.9 is for cameras with firmware up to Version 1.0.8. If the camera's firmware is already Version 1.0.9, it is not necessary to update the firmware.
Q&A Section:
Preparations for the Firmware Update:
After the downloaded compressed file (.zip) is extracted, a firmware folder is created.
*Extracting the downloaded file: Right-click the zip file, and then select Extract All to extract the file. The extracted folder contains the firmware (file name: 50D00109.FIR, file size: 9,520,908 bytes) and instructions on the firmware update procedures (a PDF file in five languages: Japanese, English, French, Spanish, and Simplified Chinese).
Before starting the firmware update operations, please confirm the contents of the download, and carefully read through the firmware update procedures.
Q: What are some changes of Firmware Version 1.0.9?
A: The following changes have been incorporated.
1. Optimizes the camera’s performance when using certain UDMA 7-compatible CF cards released in February 2012 or later.
2. Corrects wording in the Dutch language menu screen
Q: Are the previous versions of firmware included in version 1.0.9?
A: Yes, the following improvements from the previous versions are included:.
(Previous) Version 1.0.8 improvements:
1. Improves writing/reading speeds when using UDMA 7-compatible CF cards.
The reading/writing speeds of UDMA 7-compatible CF cards are the same as UDMA 6 CF cards.
2. Fixes incorrect indications in the Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Arabic, Swedish, Spanish, Portuguese, Thai and Turkish menu screens.
(Previous) Version 1.0.7 improvements:
1. Corrects a phenomenon where captured images may tend to appear somewhat magenta depending on the shooting scene.
If the background has little or no contrast (such as the sky or white walls), and the white balance (WB) setting of the camera is not AWB (Auto White Balance), images may tend to appear somewhat magenta.
2. Fixes incorrect indications on the Arabic, Romanian, Spanish, and Ukrainian menu screens.
(Previous) Version 1.0.6 improvements:
1. Supports the AF assist beam feature of the new flash, Speedlite 270 EX, which was released in April 2009.
In low light situations, the AF assist beam fires during autofocusing. The conditions under which the AF assist beam to will fire have changed in Firmware Version 1.0.5 or later. If the firmware of the camera is version 1.0.3 or earlier, the AF assist beam may not fire even if these conditions are met.
2. Changes the error indications that are displayed on the camera.
In previous firmware, if an error is detected, Err 99 is displayed on the camera in most cases. Firmware Version 1.0.5 or later further specifies the error indications as follows.
Indications on the Camera's LCD monitor (XX are numbers listed on the right.) No. Error details
10 Malfunctions related to files have been detected.
20 Malfunctions related to the mechanical have been detected.
30 Malfunctions related to the shutter have been detected.
40 Malfunctions related to the power source have been detected.
50 Malfunctions related to the electric control have been detected.
70 Malfunctions related to images have been detected.
80 Malfunctions related to the electric control or images have been detected.
If malfunctions in the camera are detected, "Err XX" will be displayed. A two-digit number that corresponds to the malfunctions detected by the camera will be displayed in the "XX" section of the error number. Other than the error numbers listed above, there are other numbers such as "01". In that case, provide appropriate handling and servicing by following the details displayed on the LCD monitor of the camera.
If an error code appears frequently, the camera is malfunctioning; therefore, note down the error number and contact our service center.
3. Addresses the vertical banding noise phenomenon
If the recording format is set to sRAW1, vertical banding noise may become visible depending on the camera settings, subject, and background.This phenomenon is addressed by this firmware.
When updating to Firmware Version 1.0.6, please also update the Digital Photo Professional, Picture Style Editor, ZoomBrowser EX, and ImageBrowser software to the following versions or later.For details, please refer to the Firmware Q&A section.
Digital Photo Professional : Version 3.5.2 (Windows/Macintosh)
Picture Style Editor : Version 1.4.2 (Windows/Macintosh)
ZoomBrowser EX : Version 6.2.1c (Windows)
ImageBrowser : Version 6.2.1c (Macintosh)
(Previous) Version 1.0.3 improvements:
1. Corrects a phenomenon in which an image becomes overexposed when C.Fn.II-3 Highlight tone priority is set to "1" together with other camera settings. (This correction has already been incorporated in the Version 1.0.2 and later firmware.)
2. Corrects a rare phenomenon in which "busy" blinks on the camera's display panel and the shutter cannot be released due to the timing of battery installation.
3. Corrects a rare phenomenon in which "Err 99" appears on the camera's display panel and LCD monitor and the shutter cannot be released due to the timing of pressing the shutter button.
Semua perangkat lunak, program (termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada driver), file, dokumen, manual, instruksi, atau materi lainnya (secara bersama-sama disebut "Konten") tersedia di situs ini atas dasar "sebagaimana adanya".
Canon Singapore Pte. Ltd., dan perusahaan afiliasinya (“Canon”) tidak memberikan jaminan dalam bentuk apa pun sehubungan dengan Konten, secara tegas menyangkal semua jaminan, tersurat maupun tersirat (termasuk, tanpa batasan, jaminan tersirat tentang dapat diperjualbelikan, kesesuaian untuk tujuan tertentu dan non-pelanggaran) dan tidak bertanggung jawab untuk memperbarui, mengoreksi, atau memberikan dukungan Konten.
Canon memiliki semua hak milik, kepemilikan, dan hak kekayaan intelektual yang relevan dalam Konten. Anda dapat mengunduh dan menggunakan Konten hanya untuk penggunaan pribadi, non-komersial, dan dengan risiko Anda sendiri. Canon tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerusakan apa pun sehubungan dengan Konten, (termasuk, tidak terbatas untuk kerusakan tidak langsung, sebagian, ganti rugi atau kerusakan tidak disengaja).
Anda tidak boleh mendistribusikan, menetapkan, melisensikan, menjual, menyewakan, menyiarkan, mentransmisikan, menerbitkan, atau mentransfer Konten ke pihak lain mana pun. Anda juga tidak boleh (dan tidak akan membiarkan orang lain) mereproduksi, memodifikasi, memformat ulang, membongkar, mendekompilasi, atau merekayasa balik atau membuat karya turunan dari Konten, secara keseluruhan atau sebagian.
Anda setuju untuk tidak mengirim atau membawa Konten keluar dari negara/wilayah tempat Anda awalnya memperolehnya ke negara/wilayah lain tanpa izin yang diperlukan dari pemerintah yang berlaku dan/atau melanggar undang-undang, batasan, dan peraturan yang berlaku.
Dengan melanjutkan mengunduh Konten, Anda setuju untuk terikat oleh hal di atas serta semua hukum dan peraturan yang berlaku untuk pengunduhan dan penggunaan Konten oleh Anda.