iPF8300 Firmware Ver.1.50 (Need "Firmware Update Tool" to upgrade)



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    Printer firmware for iPF8300.

    Update Riwayat

    Modifications from Ver.1.26 to Ver.1.50
    1.Security enhancement (SHA-2) in connecting remote services.
    2.Support for TLS v1.1 and TLSv1.2.

    Modifications from Ver.1.25 to Ver.1.26
    1. Optimized the print head control.
    2. The problem that the community name setting in SNMP setting was not processed correctly has been fixed.
    3. Shutdown timer function has been added.
    -Shutdown timer
    After the printer goes into Sleep Mode, power will be turned off automatically when the situation that the printer is not operated continues until the time being set in advance by operation panel.
    Setup time:OFF/ 5 min./ 10 min./ 30 min./ 1 hour/ 4 hours/ 8 hours*/ 12 hours *Initial value when updating version.

    Modifications from Ver.1.23 to Ver.1.25
    1. The control of waste ink has been optimized.
    2. The infrequent failure that a job sent during transition to sleep mode might be cancelled has been fixed.
    3. The fairly infrequent failure of printer not retrieving from sleep mode has been fixed.

    Modifications from Ver.1.22 to Ver.1.23
    1. Modifications due to parts change

    Modifications from Ver.1.20 to Ver.1.22
    1. Change of specifications of printer color calibration
    * This modification requires application of "MIF version 000600000000" released simultaneously.
    2. The failure of user password settings in RemoteUI has been fixed.
    3. Improved print quality at unidirectional printing

    Modifications from Ver.1.10 to Ver.1.20
    1. Improved display of remaining time of printing

    Modifications from Ver.1.07 to Ver.1.10
    1. The failure that printer might not retrieve from sleep mode in rare cases has been fixed.

    Modifications from Ver.1.02 to Ver.1.07
    1. The problem that the number of days after printhead installation might be incorrect at the first installation has been fixed.
    2. The failure that in printing for color calibration, some colors might be printed with streaks has been fixed.

    Persyaratan Sistem

    Install the Firmware Update Tool if it is not installed.


    Install the Firmware Update Tool if it is not installed.

    Informasi File

    1. Nama File : iPF8300V0150.jdl
    2. Versi File : 1.50
    3. Ukuran File 20461KB


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