EOS 7D Firmware Update, Version 2.0.6 [Mac OS X]



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    • Mac OS X v10.6
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    Firmware Version 2.0.6 incorporates the following fix:

    Corrects a phenomenon in which when using the camera with the EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM or EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS II USM lens, even if lens aberration correction is set to ""Enable"", correction will not be applied.

    Firmware Version 2.0.6 is for cameras with firmware up to Version 2.0.5. If the camera's firmware is already Version 2.0.6, it is not necessary to update the firmware.

    When updating the firmware of your camera, please first review the instructions thoroughly before you download the firmware.

    Once the camera is updated to version 2.0.6, it cannot be restored to a previous firmware version.

    -When the camera is updated to Firmware Version 2.0.6., the following settings will be automatically reset.
    a) Date/Time setting
    b) Lens peripheral illumination correction data registered to the camera

    -Some older versions of the applications listed below do not support functions that are added by the new firmware. In order to address compatibility issues, please download the latest versions of the applications from our Web site.

    The system requirements for the latest applications may be different for the applications that have already been installed to your computer. For information on the system requirements, please go to our Web site.

    If the firmware of your camera has been updated to Version 2.0.6 from Version 1.0.7 through Version 1.2.5:

    -The instruction manual has been revised accompanying the improvements and additions of functions. Users are asked to download both the latest firmware and the instruction manual. You can download the latest instruction manual from our Web site.

    Preparations for a firmware update:

    After the downloaded compressed file (.dmg file) is extracted, a firmware folder is created.

    *Extracting the downloaded file:
    The downloaded folder is automatically extracted, and a firmware folder is created. If the download folder cannot be automatically extracted, double-click the folder.

    The extracted folder contains the firmware (File name: 7D000206.FIR, File size: 17,461,804 bytes) and instructions on the firmware update procedures (a PDF file in five languages: Japanese, English, French, Spanish, and Simplified Chinese).

    Before starting the firmware update operations, please confirm the contents of the download, and carefully read through the firmware update procedures.

    (The following is the history of past firmware updates)

    Q: Are the improvements from previous firmware versions included in Firmware Version 2.0.6?
    A: Yes, the following improvements from the previous version are included:

    (Previous) Version 2.0.5 improvements:
    1. Fixes a phenomenon in which the image files cannot be transferred using the FTP protocol via USB cable after the EOS 7D camera has established a wireless connection to the Wireless File Transmitter WFT-E5 (A/B/C/D).
    *: In compliance with the law regarding electro-magnetic waves in each region, there are four types of WFT-E5 (Types A, B, C, and D) for each of the respective target regions.

    -The Wireless File Transmitter WFT-E5 must be running Firmware Version 1.0.7 in order to be used with the EOS 7D camera running Firmware Version 2.0.5.

    (Previous) Version 2.0.3 improvements:
    1. Fixes a phenomenon in which the camera stops working when the auto power off setting takes effect.
    2. Fixes a phenomenon in which the maximum number of images that can be captured in a burst displayed in the viewfinder may be less than what can actually be captured.
    3. Corrects some errors in the message displayed on the LCD screen when saving RAW images developed in the camera.

    (Previous) Version 2.0.0 improvements:
    1. Improves the maximum burst in continuous shooting.
    JPEG Large/Fine: About 94(126) bursts *1 -> About 110 (130) bursts *2
    RAW: About 15 (15) bursts *1 -> About 23 (25) bursts *2
    RAW+JPEG Large/Fine: About 6 (6) bursts *1 -> About 17 (17) bursts *2
    *1 The figures are based on Canon's testing standards (ISO 100 and Standard Picture Style) using a 4 GB card. The figures in parentheses indicate the number of shots that can be taken with an Ultra DMA (UDMA) 4-GB card, based on Canon's testing standards.
    *2 The figures are based on Canon's testing standards (ISO 100 and Standard Picture Style) using an 8 GB card. The figures in parentheses indicate the number of shots that can be taken with an Ultra DMA (UDMA) 128-GB card, based on Canon's testing standards.
    2. Supports a new accessory, GPS Receiver GP-E2.
    3. Adds an ISO Auto maximum setting.
    4. Adds an in-camera RAW processing function.
    5. Adds a Quick Control function during image playback.
    6. Adds a rating function.
    7. Adds a JPEG resize function.
    8. Adds an auto recording level manual adjustment function.
    9. Adds a function to freely set text for file names.
    10. Adds a function to make time zone settings.
    11. Increases the screen scrolling speed when magnifying images.
    12. Fixes a phenomenon where a slow shutter speed may result when an external flash is used to fire intermittent, consecutive flashes.
    13. Corrects the color space information in the Exif file for movies.

    (Previous) Version 1.2.5 improvements:
    1. Fixed a rare phenomenon in which there were rare cases where movie files taken could not be opened when repeatedly shooting movies with specific CF cards.
    2. Fixed a rare phenomenon in which there were cases where ""Err 02"" appeared when repeatedly shooting still images with specific CF cards.
    3. Fixed a phenomenon that occurred when using high-capacity (32 GB or greater) CF cards: If either a CF card with only a little available space remaining or the battery was removed and then reinserted into the camera, and then the user attempted to start shooting movies immediately, shooting would stop.
    4. Improved the writing/reading speeds when using UDMA 7-compatible CF cards.
    5. Fixed a phenomenon that occurred when custom function C.Fn 4-1 was set to assign IS start to the AF stop button on the lens: When used with lenses that do not have an AF stop button, the IS function would not work.
    6. Corrected some mistakes in the menu screens displayed in Arabic and Portuguese.

    (Previous) Version 1.2.3 improvements:
    1. Fixes a phenomenon in which the settings of the Speedlite Transmitter ST-E2 revert to the default settings when both the camera and the ST-E2 are set to auto power off.
    2. Fixes a phenomenon in which the Macro Ring Lite (MR-14EX, MT24-EX) and slave flashes do not sync while shooting wirelessly.

    (Previous) Version 1.2.2 improvements:
    1. Fixes a phenomenon in which the set aperture moves unexpectedly when shooting movies in manual exposure mode using some Canon lenses (such as macro lenses).
    Supplemental Information: This phenomenon involves the aperture of the lens moving unexpectedly when the focusing ring moves (during focusing). Please note that aperture values also change when operating the zoom ring of a zoom lens that has variable maximum aperture values; however, this is a normal operation because the camera controls aperture values properly depending on the focal length (zoom position).
    2. Fixes the AF point-selection behavior of the C.Fn III-7 (Manual AF pt. selec. pattern) custom function when set to [1].
    Fixes a phenomenon in which the AF point-selection does not scroll through the available AF point selections. This would occur when rotating from the AF point in the lower left.
    3. Fixes the AF point display for the viewfinder electronic level when shooting in the vertical position.
    Fixes a phenomenon in which the viewfinder Electronic Level incorrectly displays the high side of the camera.
    4. Corrects misspellings in the Spanish and Thai menus for applicable products.

    (Previous) Version 1.2.1 improvements:
    1. The camera will allow a longer period of operation before the high temperature warning indicator is displayed, and automatic shut down of the camera occurs, during Live View or when using EOS Movie functions.
    2. When Auto ISO is used and Program Shift is applied, the ISO setting will be more stable and not change as frequently when the Main Dial is rotated.
    3. Corrects a misspelling in the French-language menu. (Only for products with French menu options.)
    4. Fixes a phenomenon in which vertical magenta-colored banding appears in still images taken in movie-shooting mode.
    This only occurs when in Manual exposure mode and when the ISO speed is set to ""H"". Note that this phenomenon only affects units with Firmware Version 1.2.0.

    (Previous) Version 1.1.0 improvements:
    1. Fixes a phenomenon that in images captured by continuous shooting, and under certain conditions, barely noticeable traces of the immediately preceding frame may be visible.
    This phenomenon is not noticeable in an image with optimal exposure. The phenomenon may become more noticeable if a retouching process such as level compensation is applied to emphasize the image.

    (Previous) Version 1.0.9 improvements:
    1. Improves AF accuracy during Live View shooting.
    This firmware improves the AF accuracy of the AF mode, Live mode, and Face detection Live mode during Live View shooting.
    2. Fixes a phenomenon where in rare instances, movie images shot by the camera may exhibit abnormal colors.
    3. Fixes a phenomenon that at certain timings, the shutter cannot be released when the camera's built-in flash or an external Speedlite is used for shooting.
    This firmware corrects a phenomenon that in rare instances, the shutter cannot be released after the AF assist beam fires when the camera's built-in flash or an external Speedlite is used for shooting. Firmware Version 1.0.8 or later addresses this phenomenon.

    Informasi File

    1. Nama File : eos7d-v206-mac.dmg
    2. Versi File : 2.0.6
    3. Tipe File : dmg
    4. Ukuran File 18780KB


    Semua perangkat lunak, program (termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada driver), file, dokumen, manual, instruksi, atau materi lainnya (secara bersama-sama disebut "Konten") tersedia di situs ini atas dasar "sebagaimana adanya".

    Canon Singapore Pte. Ltd., dan perusahaan afiliasinya (“Canon”) tidak memberikan jaminan dalam bentuk apa pun sehubungan dengan Konten, secara tegas menyangkal semua jaminan, tersurat maupun tersirat (termasuk, tanpa batasan, jaminan tersirat tentang dapat diperjualbelikan, kesesuaian untuk tujuan tertentu dan non-pelanggaran) dan tidak bertanggung jawab untuk memperbarui, mengoreksi, atau memberikan dukungan Konten.

    Canon memiliki semua hak milik, kepemilikan, dan hak kekayaan intelektual yang relevan dalam Konten. Anda dapat mengunduh dan menggunakan Konten hanya untuk penggunaan pribadi, non-komersial, dan dengan risiko Anda sendiri. Canon tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerusakan apa pun sehubungan dengan Konten, (termasuk, tidak terbatas untuk kerusakan tidak langsung, sebagian, ganti rugi atau kerusakan tidak disengaja).

    Anda tidak boleh mendistribusikan, menetapkan, melisensikan, menjual, menyewakan, menyiarkan, mentransmisikan, menerbitkan, atau mentransfer Konten ke pihak lain mana pun. Anda juga tidak boleh (dan tidak akan membiarkan orang lain) mereproduksi, memodifikasi, memformat ulang, membongkar, mendekompilasi, atau merekayasa balik atau membuat karya turunan dari Konten, secara keseluruhan atau sebagian.

    Anda setuju untuk tidak mengirim atau membawa Konten keluar dari negara/wilayah tempat Anda awalnya memperolehnya ke negara/wilayah lain tanpa izin yang diperlukan dari pemerintah yang berlaku dan/atau melanggar undang-undang, batasan, dan peraturan yang berlaku.

    Dengan melanjutkan mengunduh Konten, Anda setuju untuk terikat oleh hal di atas serta semua hukum dan peraturan yang berlaku untuk pengunduhan dan penggunaan Konten oleh Anda.