MF429x Firmware Update Tool V12.01 [Windows]



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    • Windows Server 2022
    • Windows Server 2019 (x64)
    • Windows Server 2016 (x64)
    • Windows Server 2012 R2 (x64)
    • Windows Server 2012 (x64)
    • Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64)
    • Windows Server 2008 (x64)
    • Windows Server 2008
    • Windows 11
    • Windows 10 (x64)
    • Windows 10
    • Windows 8.1 (x64)
    • Windows 8.1
    • Windows 7 (x64)
    • Windows 7
    • Windows Vista (x64)
    • Windows Vista


    Vulnerabilities of network accessible products have been addressed.

    You will be asked to enter the product serial number before downloading the firmware. The serial number is the sequence of 8 alphanumeric characters printed on a label on the back of the device.

    Update Riwayat

    This firmware includes the following corrections and improvements:
    1. Vulnerabilities of network accessible products have been addressed.
    (CVE-2023-0851/0853/0854/0856/0857/0859, CVE-2022-43608)
    1.Addressed a vulnerability in the Buffer overflow for network devices.
    1.Corrected a failure to connect with the Monitoring server, related to Proxy Authentication.
    2.Addressed a rare problem with residual cartridge toner detection.
    1. Added support for Server Name Indication (SNI) for Google Cloud Print (GCP).


    *Please note the following restrictions when using this software.
    - When updating the firmware, be sure to wait until all operations (copy function, etc.) are complete before beginning the update operation. When the Processing/Data indicator on the operation panel is on or blinking, the device is processing operations. After the operation finishes, wait for the Processing/Data indicator to turn off.
    - If the Error indicator is on or blinking, refer to the e-Manual and resolve the issue, and then perform the update operation after making sure that the Error indicator is off.
    - If the update operation is performed while the device is processing other operations, or while images are stored in memory, those other operations will be canceled and the images stored in memory will be lost.
    - If signals/data (print jobs, etc.) are sent to the device from another computer or application while the firmware update is in progress, a critical error may occur.
    - Do not turn off the device power, or disconnect any USB or LAN cables while the firmware update is in progress.
    - If your computer enters sleep mode, the firmware update may not be performed properly.

    *To prevent errors:
    - To prevent problems resulting from operations performed on other computers during the firmware update, performing the update using a USB connection is recommended.
    - If using the fax functions, disconnect the telephone line from the main unit.
    - Configure your computer settings so that it will not enter sleep mode before performing the firmware update.
    - If the device is connected via USB cable, disconnect the LAN cable.
    - If using a USB connection, do not connect the device through a USB hub as doing so may result in connection errors.
    - If the device is connected via LAN cable, disconnect the USB cable.
    - Do not print, etc. while the firmware is being updated.
    - If a critical error occurs (the device will not start after turning on the power, etc.), repairs will be required.
    - For devices with fax functionality, it is recommended that you print out the Address Book information (one-touch, coded dialing, and group dialing) before updating, due to the possibility of power outages or other unforeseen accidents during the update operation.

    Instruksi Pengaturan

    The firmware and instruction files have been compressed.
    The following instructions show you how to download the compressed files and decompress them.

    1. To download files, click the file link, enter the printer serial number, then select [Save] and specify the directory where you want to save the file. Click [Save] to start the file download.
    2. Downloaded files are saved in the specified folder in a self-extracting format (.exe format).
    3. Double-click the files to decompress them. A new folder will be created in the same folder.
    4. Open the decompressed PDF file. Follow this PDF instruction to start the firmware update.

    Informasi File

    1. Nama File : win-mf429-428-fw-v1201.exe
    2. Versi File : V12.01
    3. Ukuran File 111378KB


    Semua perangkat lunak, program (termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada driver), file, dokumen, manual, instruksi, atau materi lainnya (secara bersama-sama disebut "Konten") tersedia di situs ini atas dasar "sebagaimana adanya".

    Canon Singapore Pte. Ltd., dan perusahaan afiliasinya (“Canon”) tidak memberikan jaminan dalam bentuk apa pun sehubungan dengan Konten, secara tegas menyangkal semua jaminan, tersurat maupun tersirat (termasuk, tanpa batasan, jaminan tersirat tentang dapat diperjualbelikan, kesesuaian untuk tujuan tertentu dan non-pelanggaran) dan tidak bertanggung jawab untuk memperbarui, mengoreksi, atau memberikan dukungan Konten.

    Canon memiliki semua hak milik, kepemilikan, dan hak kekayaan intelektual yang relevan dalam Konten. Anda dapat mengunduh dan menggunakan Konten hanya untuk penggunaan pribadi, non-komersial, dan dengan risiko Anda sendiri. Canon tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerusakan apa pun sehubungan dengan Konten, (termasuk, tidak terbatas untuk kerusakan tidak langsung, sebagian, ganti rugi atau kerusakan tidak disengaja).

    Anda tidak boleh mendistribusikan, menetapkan, melisensikan, menjual, menyewakan, menyiarkan, mentransmisikan, menerbitkan, atau mentransfer Konten ke pihak lain mana pun. Anda juga tidak boleh (dan tidak akan membiarkan orang lain) mereproduksi, memodifikasi, memformat ulang, membongkar, mendekompilasi, atau merekayasa balik atau membuat karya turunan dari Konten, secara keseluruhan atau sebagian.

    Anda setuju untuk tidak mengirim atau membawa Konten keluar dari negara/wilayah tempat Anda awalnya memperolehnya ke negara/wilayah lain tanpa izin yang diperlukan dari pemerintah yang berlaku dan/atau melanggar undang-undang, batasan, dan peraturan yang berlaku.

    Dengan melanjutkan mengunduh Konten, Anda setuju untuk terikat oleh hal di atas serta semua hukum dan peraturan yang berlaku untuk pengunduhan dan penggunaan Konten oleh Anda.