Cable ID Printer MK5000 Firmware Update Ver.11.00



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    • Windows 10


    This is to update your printer firmware.

    Update Riwayat

    Ver.10.02 to Ver.11.00
    - If a jam occurs and the "Feed error" message appears, the Transport roller can get damaged when trying to pull out the media forcibly without releasing the Jam recovery lever. To avoid damage to the Transport roller, instructions to remove the jammed media have been changed.

    Ver.03.00 to Ver.10.02
    - A menu has been added to improve the accuracy of cut length of the last piece of printed media:
    [Settings] key > Others > Precise End Length: Off (default)/On
    -Minimum cut length for Plate has been changed from 4 mm to 2 mm.
    Current version of the printer driver and MK Desktop Utility do not support this specification change yet, the change becomes effective only at a standalone printing (without PC).
    -Frequency of rare white line in the half cut printing has been reduced.
    -Wrap Around Tape has been added to the product lineup of print media.
    -Name of the setting menu "Print priority" to "Media Save Mode."
    -Rewind amount of media has been optimized when using Label Tape or Wrap Around Tape and "Rewind movement" is set to "ON".
    -A change has been made indicating a precautionary notification on the display when using 150m Ribbon Cassette (Black) or 85m Ribbon Cassette (White) for the Plate media as they may cause image failures on Plate.
    -A change has been made indicating a dialog "Eject Canceled print media? Yes/No" when aborting print operation by opening the cover.
    -A change has been made indicating a message "Close cover and press any key" when attempting to print with the cover open.
    -Media end detection has been improved so that the printer does not detect "media end" mistakenly due to a curling of the print media, etc. in spite of presence of remaining media.
    -Firmware update has become executable even in error status only when the error is [Print head position can't be Initialized.] Refer to the latest User's Guide for how to update the firmware with this case.
    -Various adjustment values have become respectively registerable by media type and size while they have been only by media type. You are no longer forced to readjust a value each time the print media in use is changed to a different size.
    -Intensity steps in Half Cut Motion have been changed from 2 steps to 6 steps.
    -Detecting condition for remaining amount of Ink Ribbon has modified as the amount rarely has been indicated improperly.

    Ver.01.01 to Ver.03.00
    ・The label tape transport control was optimized.
    ・To make it easier to see when your PC or Bluetooth connection is complete and you're ready to print, we've changed the display.
    ・We have optimized the amount of rewinding when "do" the whole cutting of the nameplate and "have" the rewinding motion.
    ・Fixed a conversion error when converting "character placement setting conditions" set in Mk2600 to MK5000.
    ・Detection accuracy has been improved by changing the ink ribbon detection control.

    Persyaratan Sistem

    Operating system:
    Microsoft Windows 10 (32-bit)

    Computer on which the above OS runs


    Back up the data stored on the unit in case the firmware update is not executed correctly.
    Use the AC adapter to update the firmware.
    You can't update multiple printers at the same time. Connect only 1 of the MK5000 or MK3000.
    Close all other running applications.
    [Windows 8.1]
    With the end of Microsoft support, our support for this operating system(s) also ended.

    Instruksi Pengaturan

    1.Connect the power cord to the AC adapter, and plug the AC adapter into the printer.
    2.Connect the printer to the computer with the USB cable.
    3. Connect the power plug to wall outlet.
    4.Turn on the printer.
    5.Press the [Settings] key.
    6.Select "Others" and press the [Enter] key.
    7.Select "Firmware update" and press the [Enter] key.
    8.Select "Yes" and press the [Enter] key.
    9.Execute the firmware update file (.exe) on the computer.
    10.After confirming that the update is complete, close the firmware update file screen.

    Informasi File

    1. Nama File : MK5000EN-Main-v11.00_x86.exe
    2. Versi File : 11.00
    3. Tipe File : exe
    4. Ukuran File 3147KB


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    Canon memiliki semua hak milik, kepemilikan, dan hak kekayaan intelektual yang relevan dalam Konten. Anda dapat mengunduh dan menggunakan Konten hanya untuk penggunaan pribadi, non-komersial, dan dengan risiko Anda sendiri. Canon tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerusakan apa pun sehubungan dengan Konten, (termasuk, tidak terbatas untuk kerusakan tidak langsung, sebagian, ganti rugi atau kerusakan tidak disengaja).

    Anda tidak boleh mendistribusikan, menetapkan, melisensikan, menjual, menyewakan, menyiarkan, mentransmisikan, menerbitkan, atau mentransfer Konten ke pihak lain mana pun. Anda juga tidak boleh (dan tidak akan membiarkan orang lain) mereproduksi, memodifikasi, memformat ulang, membongkar, mendekompilasi, atau merekayasa balik atau membuat karya turunan dari Konten, secara keseluruhan atau sebagian.

    Anda setuju untuk tidak mengirim atau membawa Konten keluar dari negara/wilayah tempat Anda awalnya memperolehnya ke negara/wilayah lain tanpa izin yang diperlukan dari pemerintah yang berlaku dan/atau melanggar undang-undang, batasan, dan peraturan yang berlaku.

    Dengan melanjutkan mengunduh Konten, Anda setuju untuk terikat oleh hal di atas serta semua hukum dan peraturan yang berlaku untuk pengunduhan dan penggunaan Konten oleh Anda.