MP810 Printer Driver Ver. 5.8.3 (Mac OS X 10.2/10.3/10.4/10.5)



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    • Mac OS X v10.5
    • Mac OS X v10.4
    • Mac OS X v10.3
    • Mac OS X v10.2


    This product is a printer driver for Canon IJ printers.

    Update Riwayat

    -Newly supports Mac OS X v10.5

    Persyaratan Sistem

    Mac OS X 10.2.8/10.3/10.4/10.5


    Mac OS X v10.2
    1. Even during printing, the Print Center status bar message "Opening printer connection" does not change.
    2. Error messages are displayed in English.
    3. In Preview, a Tiff file cannot be printed, and the error message "Printer Error. An error occurred while printing." is displayed.
    4. During printing, if an error dialog is displayed, and if the button in the dialog is clicked, Print Center is immediately closed, or the same error message will appear at resumption of printing.
    5. If Advanced Options is selected in the Print dialog first, and then the Presets setting is changed, the LED keeps blinking in green, and printing does not start.
    6. In the Spanish version, in Utility, the Quiet Mode time setting cannot be switched to "am" from "pm". (It stays with "pm".)
    7. When printing multiple copies in auto duplex printing, collated printing is not possible.
    8. When attempting to print, the printer does not operate in some instances.

    Mac OS X v10.3 to v10.4
    9. Installation of the printer driver may require a little time to complete, and it takes 3 to 4 (possibly as much as 8 to 9) minutes from when the Continue Installation button is clicked until the Restart button is displayed.
    10. In wireless connection, after print head alignment, the operation panel does not become active again, and the utility cannot be used in some instances.
    11. Multiple numbers of the same printer name are registered to the Printer Setup Utility in some instances.
    12. Even when an error is released, the error message remains in some instances.
    13. When attempting to print, the printer does not operate in some instances.
    14. In the following environment, even after clicking "About ink" in the Ink Level Information menu of the Canon IJ Printer Utility or "Initial Check Items" in the confirmation dialog for nozzle check pattern printing, nothing is displayed:
    Security Update 2005-005 or Security Update 2005-006 is installed in Mac OS X Ver. 10.3.9
    15. In Mac OS X Ver. 10.4 or later, the number of copies cannot be entered in the Print dialog.
    16. When the Print dialog is displayed from IllustratorCS2 or InDesignCS2 in Mac with Intel-made processor, the margins are incorrect and so the message "The entered value cannot be applied to margin" is displayed. Therefore, as "Margin" or "Duplex Printing & Margin" option is not displayed, auto duplex printing cannot be performed.
    17. When the following procedures are performed, iPhoto6 crashes.
    1. Display Page Setup while the print dialog is open.
    2. Click OK or Cancel to close Page Setup.
    3. Click Advanced in the lower middle of the print dialog.
    18. When the following procedures are performed, the following items are not displayed in the print dialog menu of iPhoto6:
    - Quality & Media
    - Borderless & Printing
    - Duplex Printing & Margin
    1. Display Page Setup while the print dialog is open.
    2. Click OK or Cancel to close Page Setup.
    3. Click Advanced in the lower middle of the print dialog.

    Mac OS X v10.5
    19. When the monitor resolution is 1024 x 768 or less, as the "Print" and "Cancel" buttons are displayed behind DOCK, those buttons cannot be clicked.

    Instruksi Pengaturan

    Procedures for the download and installation
    1. Click the link. The download will start automatically.
    2. Files will be saved on the computer desktop.
    3. Double-click the file to mount the Disk Image.
    4. Double-click the mounted Disk Image.
    5. Double-click the .pkg file in the folder. Installation starts automatically.

    Informasi File

    1. Nama File : mp810osxpd583ej7.dmg
    2. Versi File : 5.8.3
    3. Ukuran File 5673KB


    Semua perangkat lunak, program (termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada driver), file, dokumen, manual, instruksi, atau materi lainnya (secara bersama-sama disebut "Konten") tersedia di situs ini atas dasar "sebagaimana adanya".

    Canon Singapore Pte. Ltd., dan perusahaan afiliasinya (“Canon”) tidak memberikan jaminan dalam bentuk apa pun sehubungan dengan Konten, secara tegas menyangkal semua jaminan, tersurat maupun tersirat (termasuk, tanpa batasan, jaminan tersirat tentang dapat diperjualbelikan, kesesuaian untuk tujuan tertentu dan non-pelanggaran) dan tidak bertanggung jawab untuk memperbarui, mengoreksi, atau memberikan dukungan Konten.

    Canon memiliki semua hak milik, kepemilikan, dan hak kekayaan intelektual yang relevan dalam Konten. Anda dapat mengunduh dan menggunakan Konten hanya untuk penggunaan pribadi, non-komersial, dan dengan risiko Anda sendiri. Canon tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerusakan apa pun sehubungan dengan Konten, (termasuk, tidak terbatas untuk kerusakan tidak langsung, sebagian, ganti rugi atau kerusakan tidak disengaja).

    Anda tidak boleh mendistribusikan, menetapkan, melisensikan, menjual, menyewakan, menyiarkan, mentransmisikan, menerbitkan, atau mentransfer Konten ke pihak lain mana pun. Anda juga tidak boleh (dan tidak akan membiarkan orang lain) mereproduksi, memodifikasi, memformat ulang, membongkar, mendekompilasi, atau merekayasa balik atau membuat karya turunan dari Konten, secara keseluruhan atau sebagian.

    Anda setuju untuk tidak mengirim atau membawa Konten keluar dari negara/wilayah tempat Anda awalnya memperolehnya ke negara/wilayah lain tanpa izin yang diperlukan dari pemerintah yang berlaku dan/atau melanggar undang-undang, batasan, dan peraturan yang berlaku.

    Dengan melanjutkan mengunduh Konten, Anda setuju untuk terikat oleh hal di atas serta semua hukum dan peraturan yang berlaku untuk pengunduhan dan penggunaan Konten oleh Anda.