ZoomBrowser EX Ver. 6.1.1a Updater (Windows Vista/XP/2000)



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    • Windows Vista
    • Windows XP
    • Windows 2000


    ZoomBrowser EX 6.1.1a Updater is software that will install ZoomBrowser EX 6.1.1a on your computer or update a previously installed version of ZoomBrowser EX to ZoomBrowser EX 6.1.1a.

    Update Riwayat

    Changes to ZoomBrowser EX 6.1.1a for Windows

    Change of Supported OSes
    Added support for Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1)

    Persyaratan Sistem

    1. Supported OSes
    Windows Vista (including SP1), Windows XP SP2, Windows 2000 SP4

    2. Supported PCs
    PCs installed with one of the OSes above and that have USB ports installed as standard equipment.
    - Pentium 500MHz or faster (Windows 2000/XP)
    - Pentium 1.3GHz or faster (Windows Vista)
    - 256MB or faster (Windows 2000/XP)
    - 512MB or faster (Windows Vista)

    3. Update Requirements
    The following software must be installed on the PC.
    - ZoomBrowser EX 2.x/ 3.x/ 4.x/ 5.x /6.x
    Or, in a Windows Vista environment, get the updater to recognize an installation CD that includes at least one of the following applications.
    - ZoomBrowser EX

    4. MovieEdit Task-compatible QuickTime
    QuickTime 7.1 or later (Required only for Windows 2000)


    1. To users of ZoomBrowser EX 2.x/3.x:
    - In order to update to ZoomBrowser EX 6.1.1a, it is necessary that ZoomBrowser EX 2 or 3 be installed on the target computer.
    - It is necessary to transfer the database files as follows:
    If you want to display titles and comments added with ZoomBrowser EX 2 or 3 on ZoomBrowser EX 4 or 5, you will need to convert the database file used in ZoomBrowser EX 2 or 3 for use with ZoomBrowser EX 4 or 5 before using these applications for the first time.
    Please note that if ZoomBrowser EX 4 or 5 is used before this conversion, the titles, comments, sound annotation information added with ZoomBrowser EX 2 or 3 will be erased.
    1-1. From the Start menu, select All Programs -> Accessories -> Explorer to start Windows Explorer.
    1-2. Open the Program folder under the folder in which ZoomBrowser EX 4 or 5 is installed.
    1-3. Double-click dbconverter.exe (or dbconverter) icon in that folder.
    1-4. Specify the database file that you have been using and click the Start button
    (Example: C:\Program Files\Canon¥ZoomBrowser EX\ Database \My Database.zbd)
    1-5. When a message appears indicating that the database conversion is complete, click OK.

    - Database File Conversion Restrictions
    There are restrictions on folders under the Program Files folder.
    In ZoomBrowser EX 4, 5, or 6, folders under the Program Files folder are not displayed. Therefore images in the Library One folder, which was the default in ZoomBrowser EX 2 or 3, cannot be viewed in ZoomBrowser EX 4, 5, or 6.
    To see the images in the Library One folder, use Windows Explorer to move the images to a location outside the Program Files folder.
    * Please move the folders after converting the database file.

    Instruksi Pengaturan

    Please refer to the following instructions on how to download and install the software.

    Check if ZoomBrowser EX 2.x/3.x/4.x/5.x/6x is installed on the PC.

    1. Download ZB611UPD_E.exe from the download page.
    2. Double-click the ZB611UPD_E.exe file.
    3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
    (If the User Account Control window appears, follow the on-screen instructions to proceed.)
    4. ZoomBrowser EX 2.x/3.x Users: Please do the following things, as described in the precautions.
    4-1. Transfer the database files.
    4-2. Move images out of the Library One Folder.

    Informasi File

    1. Nama File : ZB611UPD_E.exe
    2. Versi File : 6.1.1a
    3. Ukuran File 74781KB


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