EOS Viewer Utility 1.2.1 Updater for Mac OS X



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    • Mac OS X


    EOS Viewer Utility 1.2.1 Updater for Mac OS X upgrades earlier versions of EOS Viewer Utility installed on your computer to version 1.2.1.
    Users of EOS Digital cameras can update EOS Viewer Utility to version 1.2.1 with this updater.

    1. This software is exclusively for Mac OS X.
    2. This update requires that either of the following applications be installed on your computer and has been activated at least once.
    - File Viewer Utility 1.1 to 1.3
    - EOS Viewer Utility 1.0.0 to 1.2.0
    In some cases, depending on the version of the Security Update installed, if none of these applications have been activated before, it might not be possible to install EOS Viewer Utility 1.2.1.
    3. If you use the remote shooting function of EOS Viewer Utility 1.2.1, please download EOS Capture 1.2.0 separately.
    (EOS Viewer Utility 1.0.0 automatically installed EOS Capture 1.0.0, but EOS Viewer Utility 1.2.1 requires EOS Capture 1.2.0 to be installed separately.)
    EOS Capture 1.0.0 is not compatible with EOS Viewer Utility 1.2.1, so please download and install EOS Capture 1.2.0.
    4. After having installed EOS Viewer Utility 1.2.1, the commands for EOS Capture may be dimmed and unavailable depending on your system's settings. In order to use the remote shooting function in EOS Capture, start the application by double-clicking its icon.
    Once you have done this, the commands in EOS Viewer Utility will be available from then on.

    In EOS Viewer Utility 1.2.1, changes from the previous versions (EOS Viewer Utility 1.0.0 to EOS Viewer Utility 1.2.0) are as follows:
    1. Images in the preview window can be displayed at various sizes by selecting from: [Fit to window], [25%], [50%], [100%] or [200%].
    2. Image protection can now be set or removed using shortcut keys.
    3. If the camera is set to record both RAW and JPEG images when shooting, you can select which of these to display in the preview window.
    4. Display numbers have been added to thumbnail images in the main window.
    5. The monitor profile set in Mac OS X appears in the [Preferences] dialog box.
    6. EOS Viewer Utility 1.2.1 fixes the problem found in EOS Viewer Utility 1.1.0/1.2.0 wherein gray stripes may appear in some parts of RAW images taken with the EOS 20D at ISO 1600 or higher and later displayed in EVU's preview window (or converted and saved).

    How to download and install the software
    Follow the procedures below to download and install the software.
    The download file is saved as a self-extracting compressed file (StuffIt).
    1. Click the file below to start downloading it.
    2. Once downloading is completed, it starts extracting automatically, and then the [Update Installer] icon and the [Install Files] folder will appear on the desktop.
    If it does not extract automatically, double-click the downloaded file or use a data-compression utility such as "StuffIt Expander" to extract the file's contents.

    3. Double-click the [Update Installer] icon to start the installer.
    Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

    Instruksi Pengaturan

    Informasi File

    1. Nama File : EVU121X.hqx
    2. Versi File : 1.2.1
    3. Ukuran File 10153KB


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