Using the Unicast Communication Mode (Only for LBP5050N)



    Unicast Communication Mode
    The unicast communication mode makes communication by using the unicast method in sending status from the printer, which is not normally performed by the broadcast communication mode.
    If you want to use the unicast communication mode, set the printer settings to enter into the unicast communication mode using FTP Client.
    If you want to use the printer in a network environment in which the broadcast communication mode is not used, you need to switch the mode to the unicast communication mode. However, because this affects the administration of your network environment, be sure to consult your network administrator if you want to use the unicast communication mode.

    Setting the Printer to Enter into the Unicast Communication Mode
    1. Run Command Prompt.
    From the [Start] menu, select [Programs] > [Accessories] > [Command Prompt].
    From the [Start] menu, select [All Programs] > [Accessories] > [Command Prompt].

    2. Enter the following command, then press the [ENTER] key on your keyboard.
    ftp <the IP address of the printer>
    Input Example: ftp
    If you are not sure about the IP address of the printer, check it using any of the following procedures.
    - Referring to Network Status Print [Performing Network Status Print]
    - Consulting your network administrator

    3. Enter "root" as the user name, then press the [ENTER] key on your keyboard.

    4. Enter the password, then press the [ENTER] key on your keyboard.
    If the password has not been specified yet, do not enter any value, but press the [ENTER] key on your keyboard.

    5. Enter the following command, then press the [ENTER] key on your keyboard.
    get config <the file name>
    The config file is downloaded. The characters entered for <the file name> become the name of the downloaded config file.
    The download directory for the config file varies depending on the operating system or settings.
    If you cannot find the config file, browse the config file using the file browse function of the operating system.

    6. Using Notepad etc., open the downloaded config file.

    7. Edit "YES" to "USE_IP_PORT_NAME".
    Input Example: USE_IP_PORT_NAME.:YES

    8. Save the config file.

    9. Enter the following command, then press the [ENTER] key on your keyboard.
    put <the file name> CONFIG
    In <the file name>, enter the name of the config file that was entered when the file was downloaded.

    10. Enter the following command, then press the [ENTER] key on your keyboard to reset the printer's network board.
    get reset
    After completing the reset of the printer's network board, the settings are effective.
    The settings also become effective by restarting the printer (Turn OFF the printer once, wait for 10 seconds or longer, and then turn it ON.).

    11. Enter "quit", then press the [ENTER] key on your keyboard.

    12. Enter "exit", then press the [ENTER] key on your keyboard.
    Command Prompt exits.
    If you want to reset to the normal mode (the broadcast communication mode), edit "USE_IP_PORT_NAME" to "NO".
    Input Example: USE_IP_PORT_NAME.:NO
    If the message <Network Board Error> is displayed in the Printer Status Window after setting the unicast communication mode, click the [Refresh] button in the Printer Status Window.