The Power Source of the Printer Has a Problem



    The power source of the printer has a problem.
    The power source of the printer has a problem.

    Sebab dan Solusi

    The printer is not turned ON.
    Turn the printer ON. [Turning the Printer ON/OFF]

    The power plug is unplugged from the AC power outlet.
    Plug the power plug into the AC power outlet.

    The printer is plugged to an extension cord or multiple power strip.
    Plug the power plug of the printer directly into an AC power outlet on the wall.

    The breakers have tripped.
    Reset the breakers on the switch board.

    There is a break in the power cord.
    Replace the power cord with a similar type used for other devices to test the printer. If the power can be turned ON, then you can assume that there is a break in the original power cord. In this case, purchase a new power cord of the same type and replace it with the broken one.