What are the system requirements for my printer?



      Install the software on a computer meeting the following minimum requirements.

      OS Windows Vista (including Service Pack 1)
      Windows XP Service Pack 2
      ConfigurationThe above OS should be pre-installed on computers with built-in USB ports.
      CPU Windows Vista : Pentium 1.3 GHz or higher processor
      Windows XP : Pentium 500 MHz or higher processor
      RAM Windows Vista : 512 MB or more
      Windows XP : 256 MB or more
      Free Hard Disk Space
      Canon Utility
      ZoomBrowser EX : 200 MB or more
      SELPHY Contents Utility : 40 MB or more
      Ulead Photo Express LE : 300 MB or more
      Canon SELPHY Printer Driver : 5 MB or more (the amount of free space required for installation)
      Display1.024 x 768 pixels or more
      High Color (16 bit) or better

      OS Mac OS X (v10.4 - v10.5)
      ConfigurationThe above OS should be pre-installed on computers with built-in USB ports.
      CPU PowerPC G4 / G5 or Intel processor
      RAM Mac OS 10.5 : 512 MB or more
      Mac OS 10.4 : 256 MB or more
      Free Hard Disk Space
      Canon Utility
      ImageBrowser : 300 MB or more
      SELPHY Contents Utility : 40 MB or more
      Canon SELPHY Printer Driver : 4 MB or more (the amount of free space required for installation)
      Display1.024 x 768 pixels or more
      32.000 colors or better

      • A CD-ROM drive is required to install the software.
      • Even when system requirements are met, not all computer functions can be guaranteed.
      • Ulead Photo Express LE supported on Windows only.
      • Macintosh software cannot be used on disks formatted in the UFS (Unix File System) format.
      • Macintosh software can only be used on disks formatted in the Mac OS Extended (journaled) format.