Printing Reports and Lists Manually



    Summary of Reports and Lists

    You can print the following reports and lists manually.

    • Address book list:
    You can print coded dial, one-touch and group as lists.

    • User data list:
    You can print the user data list.

    • Fax activity report:
    You can print the fax activity report.

    Printing an Address Book List

    Print an address book list.
    The following items are printed.

    • Coded dial
    - No. (registered coded number)
    - Address
    - Name
    - Send type

    • One-touch
    - No. (registered one-touch number)
    - Address
    - Name
    - Send type

    • Group
    - No. (one-touch numbers or coded numbers registered as a group)
    - Group name
    - Address
    - Name

    1. Press [ ] (Report).

    2. Select <Print Report Lists> with [ ] or [ ], and then press [OK].

    3. Select <Address Book List> with [ ] or [ ], and then press [OK].

    4. Select the items to print with [ ] or [ ], and then press [OK].

    5. Make sure that the paper is loaded, and then press [OK].

    Load the paper indicated in the display.

    6. Select <Yes> with [ ], and then press [OK].

    Printing starts.

    7. Press [ ] (Reset) to return to the standby mode.

    Printing a User Data List

    Print a User Data List.

    • The following items are printed.
    - Common settings
    - Copy settings
    - Timer settings
    - Send/Receive settings
    - Report settings
    - Printer settings
    - System settings
    - Controller ID
    - Device configuration

    1. Press [ ] (Report).

    2. Select <Print Report Lists> with [ ] or [ ], and then press [OK].

    3. Select <User Data> with [ ] or [ ], and then press [OK].

    4. Make sure that the paper is loaded, and then press [OK].

    Load the paper indicated in the display.

    5. Select <Yes> with [ ], and then press [OK].

    Printing starts.

    6. Press [ ] (Reset) to return to the standby mode.

    Printing a Fax Activity Report

    Print a fax activity report.
    You can also set to print the report automatically.

    • The following items are printed.
    - Start time
    - Name/Address
    - No.
    - Mode
    - Sheets
    - Result
    Transmission finished successfully.
    Transmission failed.

    1. Press [  ] (Report).

    2. Select <Print Report Lists> with [ ] or [ ], and then press [OK].

    3. Select <Fax Activity Report> with [ ] or [ ], and then press [OK].

    4. Make sure that the paper is loaded, and then press [OK].

    Load the paper indicated in the display.

    5. Select <Yes> with [ ], and then press [OK].

    Printing starts.

    6. Press [ ] (Reset) to return to the standby mode.