Image edges are blurred or white banding occurs (iPF8300)



    Image edges are blurred or white banding occurs

    Sebab dan Solusi

    <Cause 1> The Platen suction is too strong.
    <Corrective Action 1>
    In the Control Panel menu, reduce the level of VacuumStrngth.
    <Corrective Action 2>
    Close the blue Switch on the platen so that it matches the paper size.

    <Cause 2> The Printhead is set too high in the Control Panel menu.
    <Corrective Action>
    In the Control Panel menu, use a lower "Head Height" setting.

    <Cause 3> The type of paper specified in the printer driver does not match the type loaded in the printer.
    <Corrective Action 1>
    Load paper of the same type as you have specified in the printer driver.
    <Corrective Action 2>
    Make sure the same type of paper is specified in the printer driver as you have loaded in the printer.
    1. Press the "Stop" button and stop printing.
    2. Change the type of paper in the printer driver and try printing again.