Sebab dan Solusi
Check 1: Install the required software programs (MP Navigator EX, other applications that accompany the machine, etc.) from the Setup CD-ROM
Installing the Software
Check 2: To use the COPY button, install the printer driver of your printer
Check 3: Check that the printer operates properly
Check 4: To use the E-MAIL button, install any of the following programs
- Windows Mail (Windows Vista)
- Outlook Express (Windows XP/Windows 2000)
- Microsoft Outlook
(If an e-mail software program does not operate properly, check that the program's MAPI is enabled. To enable MAPI, refer to the manual of the e-mail software program.)
- Mail (Mac OS standard)
- Microsoft Entourage
Check 5: The MP Navigator EX screen may be hidden behind other windows. (Windows 7/Windows Vista)
Click MP Navigator EX on the taskbar to bring the MP Navigator EX screen to the front.
Check 6: Applications may not be assigned to the Scanner Buttons
Scanner Button Settings
Set to start MP Navigator EX when a Scanner Button is pressed.
Specifying the Scanner Button settings using MP Navigator EX allows you to scan documents easily.