Name of components and information displayed on the screen (PowerShot SX510 HS)



    Front Panel

    Zoom lever
    Shooting: < (telephoto)> / < (wide angle)>
    Playback: < (magnify)> / < (index)>
    Shutter button Speaker
    Strap mount < (Framing Assist – Seek)> button
    Mode dial Lens
    Power button Tripod socket
    Flash DC coupler terminal cover
    Wi-Fi antenna area Memory card/battery cover

    Back Panel

    Screen (LCD monitor)< (Display) > button
    Microphone< > button
    < (Playback) >button < (ISO speed) > / < (Wi-Fi) > / Up button
    Movie button< (Macro) > / < (Manual focus) > / Left button
    AV OUT (Audio/video output) / DIGITAL terminalControl dial
    HDMITMTerminalFUNC./SET button
    < (Exposure compensation) > / < (Single-image erase) > button< (Flash) > / Right button
    Indicator< (Self-timer) > / Down button

    Shooting (Information Display)

    Battery level Flash exposure compensation / Flash output level
    White balance Date stamp
    My Colors ISO speed
    Drive mode i-Contrast
    Eco mode Exposure compensation bar
    Self-timer AE lock, FE lock
    Camera shake warning Shutter speed
    Metering method Aperture value
    Still image compression, Resolution Exposure compensation level
    Still images: Recordable shots Grid lines
    Movie resolution Zoom bar
    Movies: Remaining time Blink detection
    Digital zoom magnification, Digital tele-converter Auto
    AF frame, Spot AE point frame MF indicator
    Focusing range, AF lock, IS mode icon Exposure shift bar
    Shooting mode, Scene icon Wind filter
    Flash mode Time zone
    Red-eye correction Image stabilization

    • An on-screen icon or message indicates the battery charge level.
    : Sufficient charge
    : Slightly depleted, but sufficient
    (Blinking red): Nearly depleted-charge the battery pack soon
    [Charge the battery]: Depleted-charge the battery pack immediately

    Playback (Detailed Information Display)

    Movies, High-speed burstShutter speed (still images), Image quality / Frame rate (movies)
    Shooting modeAperture value
    ISO speed, Playback speedFlash exposure compensation, Flash
    Exposure compensation level, Exposure shift levelFocusing range
    White balanceFile size
    HistogramStill images: Resolution
    Movies: Playback time
    Group playbackImage editing
    Compression (image quality) / Resolution, MOV (movies)Favorites
    Image SyncProtection
    Battery levelMy Colors
    Metering methodRed-eye correction
    Folder number - File numberShooting date/time
    Current image no. / Total no. of imagesi-Contrast