Cropping (trimming) images for printing (SELPHY CP820)



      You can print only selected areas of an image as follows.
      • Images may not be displayed or printed correctly depending on their size or if they have been edited on a computer.
      • JPEG images conforming to the Exif standard can be printed with SELPHY.

      1. Choose the image to crop.

      2. Press the <EDIT> button,and then press the <OK> button.

      3. A crop frame is displayed, showing the image area that will be cropped.

      4. Adjust the image area to crop.
      • To switch the crop frame between portrait and landscape orientation, press the EDIT button.
      • To move the crop frame, press the buttons.
      • To enlarge the crop frame, press the button, and to reduce it, press the button.

      5. To confirm the cropping area and return to the image display screen, press the <OK> button. is now shown in the lower left.

      • To crop other images for printing with the first one, repeat steps 1 – 5.
      • To adjust the cropping area once you have set it, press the EDIT button on the image display screen, press the buttons to select [Adjust Cropping], and then press the <OK> button. Repeat steps 4 – 5.
      • To cancel cropping after you have set the cropping area, press the EDIT button on the image display screen, press the buttons to select [Reset Cropping], press the <OK> button to access the reset cropping screen, and then press the <OK> button again.
      • Cropping areas you have set are cleared if you turn off SELPHY or remove the memory card before printing.
      • You can specify cropping for up to 99 images at once.
      • Cropping is not available when printing with [Print All Images] or [DPOF Print] or when [Page Layout] is set to [Index] or [Shuffle].
      • The cropping aspect ratio indicated by the frame displayed on images cannot be adjusted.
      • To change the number of prints, press the buttons on the image display screen in step 5. Note that specifying zero prints will not clear cropping settings.

      6. Press the <> button to start printing.

      After printing, crop settings are cleared.