Eye controlled focus and focus techniques



      Details on support for eye controlled focus and focus techniques appear in the sections below.
      [ - ] : No function setting
      Eye controlled focusStill ImagesMovies
      Focus MethodAF pointsFocus Method
      Live/Face detection Live mode,
      Face+Tracking/FlexiZone-Multi AF
      Quick mode
      NoTTL secondary image-registration, phase detection19 points (cross-type AF point: max. 19 points)*1
      (Dual cross-type focusing at f/2.8 with center AF point.)*2
      Hybrid CMOS AF III System-
      *1 : With certain lenses, cross-type focusing at the peripheral AF points is not possible.
      *2 : Except with the EF28-80mm f/2.8-4L USM and EF50mm f/2.5 Compact Macro.