When Digital Photo Professional Ver.4.x is Buggy / How to Uninstall (Delete) Digital Photo Professional and Reinstall from the Included CD-ROM "EOS DIGITAL Solution Disk" (Windows 7)



    Use the following procedure to uninstall (delete) and reinstall Digital Photo Professional 4.x.
    Before deleting Digital Photo Professional 4.x, exit all software that is currently running.

    Using the Uninstaller
    1. Click in the following order: [Start] ( ) [All Programs].

    2. Click in the following order: [Canon Utilities] [Digital Photo Professional 4] [Uninstall Digital Photo Professional 4].

    • If [User Account Control] is displayed, click [Yes] and follow the on-screen instructions.

    3. The following dialog is displayed.
    Click [OK] to start the uninstallation of Digital Photo Professional 4.

    4. When uninstallation is complete, the following dialog is displayed.
    Click [OK] to close the screen.

    The uninstallation method using the uninstaller is now complete.
    To reinstall Digital Photo Professional 4.x from the CD-ROM,proceed to [Reinstalling Digital Photo Professional 4.x from CD-ROM] .

    What to Do When Using the Uninstaller does not Uninstall the Software
    If the message [The software has been successfully uninstalled.] does not appear after performing the above procedure, use the following procedure.

    1. Click in the following order: [Start] ( ) [Control Panel].

    2. When the Control Panel is shown, click [Uninstall a program*].
    *If the desktop display is set to [Large Icons] or [Small Icons], click [Programs and Features].

    3. Select [Canon Utilities Digital Photo Professional 4], and then click [Uninstall/Change].

    4. The following dialog is displayed.
    Click [OK] to start the uninstallation of Digital Photo Professional 4.

    5. When uninstallation is complete, the following dialog is displayed.
    Click [OK] to close the screen.

    The procedure for what to do when using the uninstaller does not uninstall the software is now complete.

    Reinstalling Digital Photo Professional 4.x from CD-ROM
    1. Use the procedure above to uninstall Digital Photo Professional 4.x, and then restart the computer.
    Be sure to restart the computer after deleting Digital Photo Professional 4.x.Otherwise, the computer might not operate correctly. In particular, reinstalling Digital Photo Professional 4.x without first restarting the computer can cause erroneous operation.

    2. Before installing, check the label of your [EOS DIGITAL Solution Disk] CD-ROM to confirm that it is version ("Ver.") [31.2] or later.

    • CD-ROMs that show a version ("Ver.") earlier than [30.0] do not contain Digital Photo Professional 4.x.
    • If you do not have an EOS DIGITAL Solution Disk, download the necessary applications from the Canon Web site to install the software.

    3. Insert your [EOS DIGITAL Solution Disk] CD-ROM into the computer.
    When the following screen is shown, click [Run SETUP.EXE].

    4. Select the area in which you live.

    5. Select the country where you live, and then click [Next].

    6. If a language setting screen appears, select the desired language from the options displayed.

    7. When the following screen is shown, click [Custom Installation].
    The window displayed may differ depending on your device model.

    8. If you are prompted to close any other applications, close all currently running applications and then click [OK].

    9. In the [Software to be installed] window, select [Digital Photo Professional 4] ( ), and then click [Next].

    10. If the following screen is displayed, confirm that [Digital Photo Professional 4] is selected and then click [Install].

    11. If you accept the [License Agreement], click [Yes] to install the software.

    • Depending on your device model, [User Account Control] may appear.In this case, click [Yes] to proceed to the next step.
    • For Digital Photo Professional 4.x, [Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5] must have been installed for operation. If this software is not installed on your computer, [Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 License Agreement] is displayed. Click [Yes] to continue the procedure.

    12. Installation starts.

    13. When [The software has been successfully installed.] is shown, click [Next].

    14. The following screen is displayed.Select [No, I will register later.], and then click [Next].
    To register your camera on CANON iMAGE GATEWAY, click [Yes, I would.].

    15. Click [OK].

    16. Click [Finish].

    Depending on the computer being used, [Restart] might be displayed instead of [Finish].
    In that case, click [Restart], and eject the CD-ROM after the computer restarts.

    The procedure for reinstalling Digital Photo Professional 4.x is now complete.