Is the amount remaining in toner cartridge running low?
- Remove the toner cartridge, shake it 5 or 6 times to evenly distribute the toner inside the cartridge, and then reload it into the machine.
Are you using appropriate paper?
- Check the usable paper types, and replace with appropriate paper.
Have you specified the correct paper type?
- Specify the type of paper again, according to the type of paper that you are using.
Are you using the machine in a special environment (in particular, a low-temperature environment)?
- In the Printer Status Window, enable [Use Special Print Adjustment K]. For details on the procedure for displaying the Printer Status Window, see "e-Manual" (HTML manual) in the DVD-ROM supplied with the printer.
[Device Settings]
[Assisting Print Settings]
Select the [Use Special Print Adjustment K] check box