System requirements for applications (PowerShot ELPH 180 / IXUS 175)



    Before downloading software from the Canon homepage, please confirm system requirements for individual applications using the information in the table below.

    System Requirements
    • Windows
    Operating SystemWindows 8 /8.1 (64-bit /32-bit)
    Windows 7 SP1 (64-bit /32-bit)
    *Can also be used with Windows 10 (desktop mode only).
    CPUCore 2 Duo 2.0 GHz or higher (recommended Core I series or later)
    RAM2.0 GB or more of RAM (4.0 GB or more recommended)
    DisplayResolution: XGA (1024 x 720) or more (1600 x 1200 or more recommended)

    • Macintosh
    Operating SystemMac OS X 10.10
    Mac OS X 10.9
    CPUCore 2 Duo 2.0 GHz or higher (recommended Core I series or later)
    RAM2.0 GB or more of RAM (4.0 GB or more recommended)
    DisplayResolution: XGA (1024 x 720) or more (1600 x 1200 or more recommended)

    List of Software
    Software ApplicationOverview
    CameraWindow DCThis software is to utilize a camera and a computer with a USB cable. This software enables downloading images from camera to a computer or setting of a camera.