What memory cards have been verified to work with the camcorder? (XC15)



    The XC15 records 4K clips to CFast cards, and HD clips and photos to SD, SDHC, and SDXC memory cards. Initialize recording media when you use them with this camcorder for the first time.

    CFast Cards
    Currently, compatibility has been verified for the following cards(as of December 2017).
    ManufacturerLabelModel NumbersCapacity
    SanDiskExtreme PROSDCFSP-256G-xxxD (*1)(*2)256 GB
    SDCFSP-128G-xxxA (*1)128 GB
    SDCFSP-128G-xxxB (*1)128 GB
    SDCFSP-128G-xxxD (*1)(*2)128 GB
    SDCFSP-064G-xxxB (*1)64 GB
    SDCFSP-064G-xxxD (*1)(*2)64 GB
    SONYG Series CFast 2.0
    Memory Card
    CAT-G128 (*2)128 GB
    CAT-G64 (*2)64 GB
    *1 Verify the letter that appears at the end of the model number. The 'xxx' portion in the model numbers represents a 3-character region code.
    *2 Compatible with Video Performace Guarantee 130 (VPG-130).

    How to identify the model number of a SanDisk card
    Back of the package

    Back of the card

    • Proper operation cannot be guaranteed for all recording media.
    • In some cases, it may take longer to write data on the CFast card and recording may stop. To avoid this, we recommend that users regularly fully format and refresh their card using the "CFast Full Format and Refresh Tool" available from the link below.
    • SanDisk : http://kb.sandisk.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/17370
    • If the card is inserted into a camera with a different firmware version, a message recommending to initialize the card may be displayed. In such case, back up the clips recorded on the card and then initialize it with the camera.

    SDHC/SDXC Cards
    The following SDHC/SDXC cards have been verified to work with the camcorder (As of October 2016).
    ManufacturerCapacitySpeed ClassModel Number
    Panasonic8GBClass 10RP-SDWA08GJK
    8GBClass 10RP-SDAB08GJK
    16GBClass 10RP-SDWA16GJK
    16GBClass 10RP-SDUC16GJK
    32GBClass 10RP-SDWA32GJK
    32GBClass 10RP-SDAB32GJK
    64GBClass 10RP-SDW64G
    64GBClass 10RP-SDUC64GJK
    SanDisk8GBClass 10SDSDU-008G-J35
    8GBClass 10SDSDXS-008G-J35
    16GBClass 10SDSDU-016G-J35
    16GBClass 10SDSDXPA-016G-JU3
    32GBClass 10SDSDU-032G-J35
    32GBClass 10SDSDXPA-032G-JU3
    64GBClass 10SDSDU-064G-J35
    64GBClass 10SDSDXPA-64G-JU3
    128GBClass 10SDSDXPA-128G-JU3
    256GBClass 10SDSDXPA-256G-JU3
    512GBClass 10SDSDXPA-512G-JU3
    TOSHIBA8GBClass 10SD-GX008G
    8GBClass 10SD-NFC08GA
    16GBClass 10SD-NFC16GA
    32GBClass 10SD-NFC32GA

    • Proper operation cannot be guaranteed for all recording media.

    About CFast and SDXC cards:
    You can use CFast cards and SDXC cards with this camcorder but such recording media are initialized using the exFAT file system.
    • When using exFAT-formatted recording media with other devices (digital recorders, card readers, etc.) make sure that the external device is compatible with exFAT. For more information on compatibility, contact the computer, operating system or memory card manufacturer.
    • If you use exFAT recording media with a computer OS that is not exFAT-compatible, you may be prompted to format the memory card. In such case, cancel the operation to prevent data loss.