Shooting in Video Snapshot Mode



      The Video Snapshot function allows you to shoot short scenes that last for approximately 4 seconds.
      You can enjoy viewing movies as you play back Video Snapshot scenes along with music.

      1.Set the camera mode dial to < ( Movie Mode ) > or < ( Dual Shot ) > .

      2.Press < VIDEO SNAP > .
      • The button's blue light will turn on and a blue border appears on the screen.

      3.Press < START/STOP > .

      • The camcorder records for about 4 seconds (the blue frame serves as a visual progress bar) and then automatically returns to record pause mode.
      • When the camcorder stops recording, the screen will momentarily turn black as if a camera shutter had released.

      • In the movie index screen, video snapshot scenes are indicated with the [ ] mark.

      Video snapshot is deactivated if the camcorder is switched to playback mode or if the camera mode dial is set to < ( Photo Mode ) > .