How to confirm the network settings



      Confirm the network connection using the ping command, and then confirm the network settings according to the status of the network connection.
      Clarifications of the operation and additional explanations for the procedure are indicated at the end of this page. Reading these notes is highly recommended.

      1. Run MS-DOS Prompt or Command Prompt.
      The following are the procedure for running MS-DOS Prompt or Command Prompt.
      1. From the [Start] menu, select [Run].
      2. After the [Run] dialog box is displayed, enter "command" in [Open], and then click [OK].

      2. Enter the following command, then press the [ENTER] key on your keyboard.
      Ping (a space) <the IP address of the printer>
      Input Example: Ping
      3. Confirm the status of the network connection displayed on the MS-DOS Prompt screen or Command Prompt screen.
      - If the message <Destination Host Unreachable> or <Request Timed Out> appears:
      There is a problem with the protocol settings. Consult the administrator or perform the protocol settings for the printer properly.
      - If the message "Reply from <the IP address of the printer> ..." appears:
      The network connection is correct. To confirm the setting for [Receive/Print Range Setting], see "How to confirm the settings for [Receive/Print Range Setting]" in Related Information at the end of this page.
      If the IP address of the computer to which you want to send the print data is restricted to perform printing in [Enable Reject Address] or [Enable Permit Address] under [Receive/Print Range Setting], you cannot print from the computer.

      a. If you are not sure about the IP address of the printer, ask the administrator of the printer.
      b. For details on the protocol settings for the printer, see "Protocol settings for the printer (TCP/IP)" in Related Information at the end of this page.