Registering and Editing Coded Dialing Codes (MF4890dw/MF4870dn/MF4750 Only)



    Registering and Editing Coded Dialing Codes via the Operation Panel
    1. Press [ ] (FAX).

    2. Press [ ] (Address Book).

    To register a new coded dialing code:
    (1) When destinations are already registered in a coded dialing code, press [ ].
    To register a destination for the first time, proceed to step (2).

    (2) Press [ ] or [ ] to highlight <Register New Destination to Address Book>, and then press [OK].
    If an address book PIN is specified:
    Use the numeric keys to enter the PIN, and then press [OK].

    (3) Press [ ] or [ ] to highlight <Coded Dial>, and then press [OK].

    (4) Press [ ] or [ ] to highlight <Fax>, and then press [OK].

    (5) Press [ ] or [ ] to highlight <Name>, and then press [OK].

    (6) Use the numeric keys to specify a name for the destination.

    (7) Press [ ] or [ ] to highlight <Apply>, and then press [OK].

    (8) Press [ ] or [ ] to highlight <Destination>, and then press [OK].

    (9) Use the numeric keys to specify the fax number.
    Press [OK] to specify <Set Details>, if necessary.

    (10) Press [ ] or [ ] to highlight <Apply>, and then press [OK].

    (11) Press [ ] or [ ] to highlight <Coded Dial>, and then press [OK].

    (12) Press [ ] or [ ] to highlight the coded dialing number you want to register, and then press [OK].

    (13) Press [ ] or [ ] to highlight <Apply>, and then press [OK].

    To edit a coded dialing code:
    (1) Press [ ].

    (2) Press [ ] or [ ] to highlight <Edit Address Book>, and then press [OK].
    If an address book PIN is specified:
    Use the numeric keys to enter the PIN, and then press [OK].

    (3) Press [ ] or [ ] to highlight the destination that you want to edit, and then press [OK].

    (4) Press [ ] or [ ] to highlight the item that you want to edit, and then press [OK].
    • Name
    • Destination
    • Coded Dial

    (5) When the edit is complete, press [ ] or [ ] to highlight <Apply>, and then press [OK].

    (6) Press [ ] or [ ] to highlight <Apply>, and then press [OK].

    To delete a coded dialing code:
    (1) Press [ ].

    (2) Press [ ] or [ ] to highlight <Delete From Address Book>, and then press [OK].
    If an address book PIN is specified:
    Use the numeric keys to enter the PIN, and then press [OK].

    (3) Press [ ] or [ ] to highlight the destination that you want to delete, and then press [OK].

    (4) Press [ ] to highlight <Yes>, and then press [OK].

    3. Press [ ] (Back) to close the Address Book screen.

    Registering and Editing Coded Dialing Codes via the Remote UI (MF4890dw/MF4870dn Only)
    1. Start the Remote UI and log on in System Manager Mode.
    For details on the procedures for starting the Remote UI, see the "e-Manual" (HTML manual) in the CD-ROM supplied with the machine.

    2. Click [Address] -> [Coded Dial].

    To register a coded dialing code newly:
    Proceed to step 3.

    To edit a coded dialing code:
    (1) Click the number or name.
    (2) Click [Edit].
    (3) Specify the required settings in the edit screen for destinations, and then click [OK].

    To delete a coded dialing code:
    Select the check box for which you want to delete the number, and then click [Delete].

    3. Click [Not Registered] or the number which is not registered.

    4. Select [Fax] from the drop-down list.

    5. Specify the required settings, and then click [OK].